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Showing posts from August, 2012

Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative (GRBI) in Pakistan: Needs, Initiatives and Challenges - A Contextual Analysis

Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative (GRBI) in Pakistan: Needs, Initiatives and Challenges - A Contextual Analysis Dr. Shahbaz Israr Khan August 24, 2012 Published by Peace and Conflict Monitor Can be Retrieved from:  Dr. Shahbaz Israr Khan examines the ways in which gender-neutral approaches to budgeting are highly discriminatory against woman, especially in neoliberal economies and the globalized world context. He concludes that in a highly patriarchal environment, gender neutral budgets, without assessing their implications for women, men, boys and girls, can have a very negative impact on the society and especially on women's lives. The paper presents needs, initiatives and challenges of Gender Budget Initiatives, and also addresses the issues related to the Gender Responsive Budgeting Initiative in Pakistan. Shahbaz Israr Khan A gender neutral approach in budget...