Cameroon II Kribi and Pygmies: How I Enjoyed in Corona Times II SHAHBAZ
Enjoyed? Liked? my channel Shahbaz Israr Khan V Logs. Now its time to
subscribe…. In July 2020, Shahbaz traveled after a hectic routine to an amazing
place for rest and relaxation_ A first published story on my channel features
all you will enjoy to watch. Kribi in Cameroon is amazing place to get
enchanted away from the hustle and bustle of life. Experience a waterfall
directly falling in the Ocean and the World Shortest Tribe: Pygmy through my
eyes in my style. Let’s explore together in my first V-log.
DescriptionShahbaz Israr Khan V Logs: A Channel about a person who lives an ambitious and lively life not for himself but for others as well.
Meet Shahbaz Israr Khan in Travel, Fun and Stories: Shahbaz is a traveler, poet, blogger, humanitarian, an ardent person and a happy man.
Shahbaz Israr Khan has travelled to more than 25 countries: He has intense humanitarian experiences in highly insecure situations and also he travels for rest and relaxation.
In the Shahbaz Israr Khan V Log you will find videos on journeys to far-flung and beautiful lands....
With Shahbaz to enjoy funny moments,
That's not all, you will have serious encounters.....
Lets go together through exciting and learning experience with Shahbaz Israr Khan.....
COVID-19 AND THE HUMANITARIAN WORLD By Shahbaz Israr Khan Covid -19 has gripped the world in pan-crisis w ith remarkable impact on world affairs and has/ will impact the humanitarian interventions across the world . In this article I hereby present humanitarian sector dilemmas related to Covid -19 situation which has impacted and will further impact the humanitarian programs across the world and need to be addressed on priority basis . Firstly, Covid -19 impact on world's economy has already started taking its toll on humanitarian budget by donor countries and decrease in contributions by individuals leading to new perceived program priorities, for instance in Africa malaria program and other diseases are highly impacted due budget cuts , re-routing of funds to Covid interventions domestically and overburdened health systems . Covid has to be prioritized but should not be on the expense of other diseases like malaria , Tuberculosis and Hiv which kill hundred thou...
I am in Trouble: Random Thoughts and Confusing views Well today, I decided to talk to you rather of writing a formal article. Most of the times informal talk is better than a formal conversation. In most of formal gatherings, I try to talk to people at the tea break, it is the best time to make alliance or lobby for a thing you want to . Surely, I can not offer you here a cup of tea but what we can do is to share experiences in a most simple and informal way, so we can pin point issues and can propose and work on solutions. Let's do it now. Wait! first grab a cup of coffee before going further, I do have it here Can you feel it? hummm! If you can feel then bring some cookies too!!!! So what kind of trouble am I in? I do not have headache, my legs are fine, no weak eyesight and not even suffering with schizophrenia. But even then I am sad. Am I sad about you or about myself? Ah! probably yes, I am. Life is so busy that we are mostly unconcerned about others ...
Youth and the Millennium Development Goals in Pakistan Research shows that countries having relatively young population structures are at greater risk for civil strife. Moreover, underdeveloped and developing countries in which youth are devoid of representation and basic facilities are at even higher risk. There are 62 countries considered ‘very young’, and Pakistan is among them. According to the US Census Bureau, Pakistan has 30.2% youth (ages 15-29) of its total projected population.
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