The Marketing of Rebellion
Insurgents, Media and International
Clifford Bob (2005)
Bob, C. (2005). The Marketing of Rebellion: Insurgents, Media and International Activism. Cambridge
University Press.
University Press.
Book Review by Dr. Shahbaz Israr Khan
The book review has been published in Peace and Conflict Review Volume 6-Issue 1 ISSN: 1659-3995

causes and movements need resources, media projection, national
and transnational support to challenge the opposition. In contrast, the harsh
reality is that the global civil societies have limited resources and choose to
support the causes that best suits to their own goals, objectives and
agendas and have potential to win the cause, in this process a strict cost to
benefit analysis of movements is done and only a handful movements get the
support. In these ‘Darwinian Markets’ movements have to best prepare themselves
according to the international demands and criteria and in doing so they need
to market themselves aggressively, effectively and efficiently in order to gain
major transnational backing by civil society and Non Governmental Organizations
Bob’s book, “The Marketing of Rebellion-Insurgents, Media and International Activism”
accounts several factors and strategies required by movements and insurgencies
for gaining media attention and international support in contemporary world
politics. Bob systematically compares two recent movements: Nigeria’s Ogoni
ethnic group and Mexico’s Zapatistas rebels that won the major support and NGOs
backing. Both of these movements became the global causes while other similar
movements remained isolated and obscure. Through in-depth analysis author
highlights two broad marketing strategies that made these movements superior
and more receptive in the international community including: i) raising NGO
awareness by movements through targeted lobbying and diffuse
consciousness-raising (primary using the media) and ii) framing of movements to
match NGO’s goals, culture, tactics, ethics and organizational needs.
the first case of Nigeria’s Ogoni ethnic group, Movement for the Survival of
the Ogani People (MOSOP) had a influential leader who had forceful command over
English, broad understanding of the NGO and media scene and experience in
advertising, television and journalism- Saro-Wiwa. In the beginning the
movement failed to get the transnational support because of failure to match
Key NGO attributes, interests and requirements and inability to grab the media
attention. Learning from mistakes, the movement framed its grievances according
to the NGO requirement and demands thus matching their goal, objectives and tactics.
Awareness of NGOs about the campaign was raised through lobbying. MOSOP adopted
the environmental frame by playing the ‘Shell Card’- an environmental campaign
against Shell Company. Thus giving issue a global dimension of environment and
indigenous rights attracted the support of NGOs and the media. The oppression of the government against the
minorities attracted human right organizations to back the movement. One of the
main reasons to support MOSOP by NGOs was its non-violence strategy against the
opponents as compared to other movements, like Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), of the
area which adopted violence strategies and were unable to get major transnational
the second case of Mexico Zapatista rebellion, the movement Mexico’s Zapatista
Army of National Liberation (EZLN) made itself known to the world through
diffuse consciousness-raising (primary using the media) in 1994 when 2500 lightly armed Zapatista
soldiers captured the city, San Cristobal de las Casas. Zapatistas proclaimed
themselves the product of 500 years struggle by Mexico’s poor and dispossessed.
For international awareness and support Zapatistas used media as one of the
main tools by making themselves easily available to media, developing printed
and electronic materials and its distribution to wider audience, launching of
website, developing close contacts with the journalists and interviews granted
to major periodicals such as the New York Times. Significantly, Marcos played a
figurehead role in the promotion of the movement by his writings, interesting
and convincing style of communication made him ‘international icon of revolt’. On
the other hand EZLN also changed its strategies according to international
market demands for instance they shunned military attacks and adopted armed non
violence and transformed their socialist demands to indigenous rights.
Moreover, they also opposed the NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) and
Neoliberal-ism in order to boost the movement. In contrast, the EPR (Popular
Revolutionary Army) in Mexico was unable to score massive support both inside
and outside the country. One of the main reasons of EPR failure was its
inflexible policies, inability to attract the media and their retention to
violent strategies.
this end, Bob makes five arguments: i) international support by global civil
society or Non Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is neither easy nor automatic
instead competitive and uncertain; ii) development and retention of support are
best conceived not as philanthropic gestures but as exchanges based on relative
powers of each party to the transaction; iii) competition for NGO intervention
in a context of economic, political and organizational inequality that
systematically advantages some challengers over others; iv) despite these
structural biases, the choices of insurgents- how they market themselves-
matter; and v) because of this market dynamic, the effect of assistance are
more ambiguous than is often acknowledged.
framing a movement according to international standards has its benefits but it
may have grave consequences for movement’s original motives, goals and
objectives. So, one must be very cautious that while framing the issue
according to international resonant lines, one’s own campaign must not be
hijacked or totally misunderstood. As Bob mentions that Ogani had won world
wide exposure, some of their friends in the indigenous rights community were
shaking their heads at how movement’s original demands for political autonomy
had gone completely misunderstood abroad compared with environmental and human
rights issues. In addition, the book
also paints bleak picture of contemporary global civil society/ NGOs that is
mostly unseen, the book also comes up with recommendation that the global civil
society should reshape their goals, tactics and expand their mission according
to the needs of the larger populations. So that support may reach the neediest
as compared to the savviest.
book is written in simple yet interesting and eloquent style. The comparisons
between the different movements and groups within two very different societies
(Mexico and Nigeria) against very different opponents and subsequent analysis
of their successes and failures in a global context have made this book worth
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