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Youth Policy Gilgit-Baltistan

Pakistan has the 6th largest population in the world and will surpass Brazil and Malaysia till 2045. This population has a large segment of youth, the term known as youth bulge. The issue of youth becomes increasingly important when youth outnumbers other segments of the society and in this situation it is necessary to channelize the energies of youth and provide them platforms and opportunities, so they can effectively participate and contribute to the development of the country. For youth empowerment a policy framework is essential which can bring integrated youth development in the country. After 18th amendment in the constitution of Pakistan, youth is a provincial subject and the each province has to formulate its youth policy. Bargad and UNFPA have already provided technical assistance to the government of Punjab to formulate the youth policy of the province. It was successfully launched in June 2012. The organizations  are facilitating the governments of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa; Sindh; Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Gilgit-Batistan to formulate research based and context specific youth policies. I worked on behalf of Bargad in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan and now have been assigned to work for Gilgit-Baltistan Youth policy.

February 9, 2013: Within this context, Department of Tourism, Sports, Youth and Culture, the Government of Gilgit-Baltistan (GB) has signed MoU with Bargad-Organization for Youth Development to initiate the process of youth policy in the province. MoU was signed between Secretary Tourism, Youth, Sports and Culture, Mr.Syed Akhtar Hussian, and Executive Director Bargad, Ms. Sabihha Shaheen.  Bargad and UNFPA will provide technical assistance to the Department. The ceremony took place at Islamabad hotel in which Ms. Sadia Danish, Advisor for Tourism, Sports and Culture-GB, chaired the session. She said that it is the need of the hour to have a comprehensive youth policy that can channelize youth energies and the government can provide best environment for  youth development. She also told that Bargad has been selected after a very competitive process on merit basis because of organization’s expertise and experience on the issue. Mr. Wazir Shakeel, Minister Law said that the government will lead and facilitate in the formulation and approval of the policy and its implementation. Mr. Syed Akhtar Hussain said that the demographic transition and considerable youth population of the province needs a policy to empower youth and the current process will keep into consideration the diversity and culture of different districts of the province. Ms. Sabiha Shaheen informed that the youth policy formulation process will be participatory in which youth groups, youth organizations, media and related stakeholders will be taken on board and also welcomed all civil society organizations and media to be the part of the policy and to support the process. Dr. Shahbaz, while presenting the process explained that along with formal consultative sessions with youth, youth groups, Civil Society Organizations, Media, parliamentarians and related stake holders in all districts of the GB, in-depth interviews and survey will also be conducted to map out youth issues, rights, responsibilities and entitlements. Input of hundreds of youth will be taken during the process and the policy will truly reflect the needs of youth and will be framed for social, economic and political empowerment of youth in the province. The ceremony was also attended by civil society organizations, Agha Khan Foundation and media. 



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