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I am in Trouble: Random Thoughts and Confusing views

I am in Trouble: Random Thoughts and Confusing views

 Well today, I decided to talk to you rather of writing a formal article. Most of the times informal talk is better than a formal conversation. In most of formal gatherings, I try to talk to people at the tea break, it is the best time to make alliance or lobby for a thing you want to . Surely, I can not offer you here a cup of tea but what we can do is to share experiences in a most simple and informal way, so we can pin point issues and can propose and work on solutions. Let's do it now.

Wait! first grab a cup of coffee before going further, I do have it here Can you feel it? hummm! If you can feel then bring some cookies too!!!!

So what kind of trouble am I in? I do not have headache, my legs are fine, no weak eyesight and not even suffering with schizophrenia. 

But even then I am sad. Am I sad about you or about myself? Ah! probably yes, I am. Life is so busy that we are mostly unconcerned about others and most of the times about our own self. Well our routines are so busy, we wake up early in the morning then prepare for office or for university, pass a hectic day, come back to home with head full of random thoughts, targets, coming day assignments and then we sleep, and then the next day starts and the cycle goes on. 
Is not it a violence of a modern life? where we cannot do what we want. A person from stone age was far better as compared to us, s/he could sleep whenever s/he wanted and could eat whatever s/he wanted. S/he had nothing to do with competition, fabricated dreams and pompous lifestyles. In my opinion the modern life is a violence in its own self. All structures created around us are just to cash us and to take advantage of us. We are now less humans and more machines, where our whole life revolves around the capital, purpose of our life is to exploit and be exploited by domineering institutes. Rational beings without hearts, Yah!!!. Money is life but what about feelings. Do we feel pain when other gets hurt, when people die, when they lose their dear ones?

I Think, its enough for today, will continue from here some other day.


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